
SKU: 00117

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Universal Massager (Vibro Shape)


Short Descritpion:

Vibro Shape is the best quality slimming massager-belt with vibration and heating function. Burns subcutaneous fat, strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation.

Works by connecting to a power source (not rechargeable).

It is used three times a day for 10-15 minutes per area: abdomen, legs, back and chest area.

Accessories: pouch, centimeter.


Warranty period: 1 month

Warranty conditions – the product will be replaced with a new one if a factory defect is found. Exchange takes place at the service center: St. 43 Beliashvili Street, Digomi Massif, Tbilisi. Regional shipments may be sent by courier.

SKU: 00213Category: 

გთხოვთ შეძენამდე აუცილებლად დაუკავშირდეთ ოპერატორს, რადგან შესაძლოა მარაგი იყოს ამოწურული.

ტელ: 555 68 55 68

უნივერსალური მასაჟორი


SKU: 00117

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